Category: Uncategorized

  • Girl Knowledge

    Several years ago, I was having lunch with two girlfriends. One was a no-makeup, Birks-and-jeans boho gal. The other was a consummate athlete who ran and biked all summer, ran and skiied all winter, and seldom wore anything flashier than a simple silver necklace. We chatted away about our husbands, our hobbies, movies we’d seen,…

  • Just For Men Manipulation

    While it is clear to me (and I am sure you) that my readership is predominantly female, I certainly do know that there are men who read my blog, are fans on facebook and even leave comments.  Thankyou!It is often presumed that body image issues and even marketing strategies that prey on our self esteem…

  • Dream A Little Bigger Darling

    Are your dreams as amazing as you are? It’s great to have them, but how much are they really inspiring you?   Could your dream possibly just be a goal that requires some of your attention and commitment, or is it actually a dream that will require passion, dedication and S – T – R – E –…

  • 3 Secrets to Starting Your Day with Self-Love

    Have you ever noticed how the tone of your morning tends to set your pace for your entire day?  I’ve noticed that on the days when I wake up late, rush to get ready and don’t have time to center and ground myself in all that I want for the day ahead, things tend to…

  • Summer Refresh(ments)

    When Mark Twain was quoted saying, “The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco,” he must not have had a summer solstice like this one! We officially ushered in the first day of summer last week with SF temps well over 90, and inland it got above triple-digits. With summer now…

  • A prayer for Soulful Self Expression

    My clients come into my office and one of the first things they ask me is, Christine, when are you going to start writing something again? I  usually smile, shrug and offer up something about how I do need to do that. It’s simple talk. Because the truth is, my thoughts run deep, and more…

  • The Problem With Having It All

    “Having it all” is one of those marketing catch-phrases that nearly everyone says they want. Yet the best understanding we have of what it means is a mild sense of what it would be like if everything we desired was miraculously easy and available to us and lined up in accordance to our version of…

  • Goal Setting

    Musings on goal setting, motivation and creating what you would like… Goal setting is so 1990. If you are still setting goals, I’m going to say a prayer that you are being forced by an ominous and outdated boss to write down empty promises in a self evaluation document and that shortly thereafter you find…

  • Why Letting Go of Your Dream Is a Good Thing

    I dug this out of the vault of things I wrote when I started my business and was struggling to make it work exactly as I had envisioned. Reading through the old notes, I noticed that what I went through with my business is similar to how a lot of people feel about love. Timelines…