Category: Information

  • Overcoming Your Fears as an Entrepreneur

    There’ve been many times in my life where I’ve felt fear.  Like packing up my life and moving overseas alone when I was 19, getting divorced at 24, allowing myself to fall in love again at 25, going back to study at 27, and starting a blog at 28.  But here I am.  Not only…

  • Privilege & the Food Police

    I really can’t abide smug foodies. Want to eat organic cucumber salad on home-made sourdough followed by sheeps-milk yoghurt churned at your local organic farm, laced with honey from your uncle the bee-keeper, wrapped in recycled wax paper from the co-op store in your suburb? Go right ahead. Sounds fabulous. But if you think, for…

  • Living Fat

    In the 37 years I have been inhabiting it, my body has done some stuff. It has taken me on many camping trips, it has gestated, birthed and nourished two babies, it has given of itself and enjoyed the attentions of lovers, it has walked 24 km/14 miles in one go, it has thrown tiles…

  • Become An Amazing Public Speaker

    Let’s talk talking. Or in particular – public speaking. Supposedly it’s a huge fear for many, many people and in fact I’m sure you’ve all heard that statistic floating about that states it’s actually the BIGGEST fear people have.  Like more than spiders.  Or snakes.  Or death by fire. Now I’m willing to admit that…

  • What To Do If You Think Your Child Is ‘Overweight’

    I read an article yesterday that was written by a Mum who took her eleven year old daughter to Jenny Craig.  The reason given was because her daughter had low self esteem and she considered her to be overweight.  Together with her daughter the Mum gave up icecream and went for two, five mile hikes a…

  • Toddlers and Tiaras with a Side Serve of Eyebrow Waxing

      It’s clearly a polarising issue with those that believe them to be not only harmless but actually good for little girls on one side, and those that believe they are incredibly harmful to them on the other.  Clearly I believe them to be harmful and nothing I have seen recently has made me change my…

  • Thrifting Lessons from a Pro

    You’ve probably noticed that nearly all of my  outfits include at least one thrifted item.  Especially since spring and autumn are high shopping times for most of us, and present fabulous opportunities to hit the charity shops and score some fabulous, affordable, environmentally-friendly new duds! Make time to thrift: Very few people can duck in and…

  • Which Seasonal Vegetables & Fruits Have The Highest Pesticides In Food?

    You may be familiar with the “Dirty Dozen” and the “Clean Fifteen” which represent the vegetables and fruits known to have the highest and lowest levels of pesticides in food of all farmed foods. You may not know that the list of pesticide-laden foods was updated in April of this year to include a new…