Taming Your Inner Critic

Do you ever find yourself feeling angry and frustrated more often than you’d like? Taming your Inner Critic is a need then.If so, it might be time to address your inner mean girl. This negative personality trait can lead to all sorts of problems, from emotional stress to bad habits. In this post, we’ll introduce you to the mean girl and discuss ways to tame her. We’ll also provide some tips on how to deal with difficult situations in a constructive way, so that you can achieve your goals without resorting to angry or aggressive behavior.

It’s been some time since I was at school but I’m delighted to tell you all that I am going back as of next week.  It’s not traditional school, but “Inner Mean Girl Reform School” where I have been thrilled to be asked to become a Self Love Ambassador by internationally recognised coaches Christine Arylo from the Madly in love with me  movement and Amy Ahler from Wake Up Call Coaching.

Taming your Inner critic

Taming your Inner Critic

I’m incredibly excited to be joining women from around the world at this special reform school to learn about transformational ways I can help Beautiful You learn ways to tame your negative voice and replace it with one that is self loving and supportive.  I feel very blessed to say that I feel as if my inner ‘mean girl’ left me many years ago, although of course there are always times when I can feel low and doubt and negativity can creep back in.  I’m absolutely human. 

I am essentially a positive and self loving person however, and Beautiful You is my way of sharing some of my life philosophy with you.  There is always more to learn in life however, and I am sure this special school will give me just that. 
So…what does your ‘inner mean girl’ potentially sound like?  She’s inside your head whispering (or shouting) at you things like –

You’re not doing enough.”“Why aren’t you as good as her?”
“She’s much thinner and prettier than you.  You need to go on a diet.”

Sound familiar?
This is the voice of your Inner Mean Girl. She’s negative, judgmental, and potentially dragging you down, way down, from where you should be.  She compares your worst to everyone else’s best.  She’s slowing you down, running you ragged, and keeping you from your dreams.

While this all may seem disastrous, the best thing to know about taming your Inner Critic is that she is a liar and YOU are totally in control of her.  What I am going to be learning about and blogging over the next six weeks is how you can tame your Inner Mean Girl  forever and I promise to pass absolutely everything on to you that I find helpful, inspiring and of potential to help you live your best life.

If you have a very nasty Inner mean girl or you would prefer to learn directly yourself, why not join me at school?  We can be class buddies!  The Inner mean girl reform school  is absolutely FREE and conducted entirely online, meaning you can do it from anywhere in the world.  It might just be the best school you have ever been to. 

Thank you for reading! In this blog, we’re discussing the benefits of attending an Inner Mean Girl reform school for taming Your Inner Critic, in order to help you tame your vicious alter ego. Don’t forget to love yourself more read the blog about loving yourself. This could potentially be the best thing you ever do for yourself and could free you up from cycles of negative behavior that are holding you back. We highly recommend you to read the full blog to get a better understanding of what’s involved, and if it’s something that could benefit you. In the meantime, feel free to leave a comment below and let us know if you have any questions!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you tame an inner critic?

Taming your Inner Critic is that she is a liar and YOU are totally in control of her.

Is the ego the inner critic?

Yes.The voice of your Inner critic is negative, judgmental, and potentially dragging you down, way down, from where you should be. 

What does my inner voice do?

She compares your worst to everyone else’s best.  She’s slowing you down, running you ragged, and keeping you from your dreams.

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