Author: missericat

  • Meals, or The appropriate use of discipline.

    I define structure as the space within which things can happen. And I think discipline (or “willpower” or “control” or “forcing yourself”) is best applied in the service of creating structure. It seems to me that everyone has a little tyrant living inside them. The tyrant, if it cannot be exorcised, must be exercised —…

  • today in fat hatred…

    *trigger warning for fat hatred* Without going into minute detail, I will admit that I have been struggling lately. A toxic mix of depression, anxiety, medication induced weight gain, medically suggested dieting and few of my clothes fitting me anymore has resulted in this Angry Fatty being more of a Sad Fatty. A very Sad…

  • When Is The ‘Right’ Time?

    One of the things that many of my coaching clients ask me is when is the ‘right’ time to do something. When is the right time to change jobs? When is the right time to move overseas? When is the right time to leave full time work and have more time to myself? When is the right time to…

  • What To Do If You Think Your Child Is ‘Overweight’

    I read an article yesterday that was written by a Mum who took her eleven year old daughter to Jenny Craig.  The reason given was because her daughter had low self esteem and she considered her to be overweight.  Together with her daughter the Mum gave up icecream and went for two, five mile hikes a…

  • It’s Ok To Cry, Baby

    Have you ever noticed that if you are having a cry about something that one of the first reactions of people around you is to try and get you to stop?  Or that if you see someone crying you may even try to do the same? Because crying is often associated with emotions we don’t…

  • She…

    She dreams and weaves and hopes and wishes To achieve and believe And do all she wants She loves and gives and hugs and cries While smiling and cheering For those she loves She is beautiful and gracious and shining and free She is you She is me She…

  • waiting for the a cup revolution

    It’s a revolution out there! Or so I hear. Women with small breasts are taking over the world! Cosmo told me so. Or maybe it was Glamour. I can’t keep these magazines straight. The New York Times told me so. Everything is changing. Within a week or two, Christina Hendricks will be getting reduction surgery. She’ll…

  • my tampons are going extinct

    Tampons are a great invention. They make my life a lot better. I’ve been thinking about them in a slightly different way. And it makes me thankful to be human. But here is where I am not very good at being human: most tampons scare me. I’m young, but over the course of the time I’ve…

  • Gently… Gently…

    For many, Winter has been a time of hibernation. People have made the sensible decision to stay warm and cosy indoors. With one of the coldest winters in years, it’s not surprising that people have struggled to find the motivation to move. Colds and flu’s and the can’t be’s have taken priority during this time but thankfully now…

  • The Hijab: Can it Promote a Healthy Self Image?

    Several years ago while traveling through Malaysia, I had the opportunity to visit a mosque in Kuala Lumpur, the country’s capital. Despite my modest dress (a long flowing skirt and a loose-fitting blouse that covered my arms), the mosque required that I wear an abaya, a cloak that covered my head, face, and all my…