Author: missericat

  • Playing the Numbers Game

    A male journalist friend of mine recently asked an interesting question: Why are some women so reluctant to reveal their ages? When researching stories, he said, he often asks interview subjects how old they are and he’s noticed that some women tend to clam up or get suspicious — “Why do you need to know my age? —…

  • My friend says she is fat- what should I do?

    I have a friend who talks about what she ate, how bad it made her feel and how fat she is all the time.  Seriously all the time!  On Facebook, Twitter, text and oh yes in real life. What should I do to help her STOP body-bashing constantly and start living a full life, one…

  • Your real beauty – Your true work – Your beautiful life

    This is the new mantra of beautiful you.  I was reflecting for a number of months last year about the core meaning of my work and what I wanted it to mean not just for me but for you.  When you are a multi-passionate person like I am you will know what I mean when I say sometimes…

  • Be Your Own Best Friend

    I bet – I just BET – you are an amazing friend. Kind.  Loyal.  Forgiving.  Encouraging.  Available.  Positive.  Supportive.  Funny.  Helpful.  Giving. I just bet. While I might be quite certain you are all of these things to your friends and even others, what I’m not so sure about is if you are all of these…

  • Toddlers and Tiaras with a Side Serve of Eyebrow Waxing

      It’s clearly a polarising issue with those that believe them to be not only harmless but actually good for little girls on one side, and those that believe they are incredibly harmful to them on the other.  Clearly I believe them to be harmful and nothing I have seen recently has made me change my…

  • Dream A Little Bigger Darling

    Are your dreams as amazing as you are? It’s great to have them, but how much are they really inspiring you?   Could your dream possibly just be a goal that requires some of your attention and commitment, or is it actually a dream that will require passion, dedication and S – T – R – E –…

  • How Cleaning Out Your Wardrobe is Good for Your Self Esteem and Body Image

    Yesterday was the last day of my Summer holiday.  I had initially thought I might have an easy, lay about day, but when I woke up I felt more energised than that and so decided to do something I had been putting off for ages.  I cleaned out my wardrobe.  There was a frenzy of trying…

  • You Are Lovable at Any Size

    Listen Up Beautiful You  I’ve got something to say. It’s important and I need you to read it, hear it and let it morph into your soul.  Really, really, morph. You are beautiful and divine just as you are. You do not need to take up less space in this world.  Your fat, curvaceous, tall,…

  • Believe in Yourself

    Believe in yourself and have a positive attitude. A positive attitude can help you change your mindset, which will help you get over the adversities in life. It is essential to have a positive mindset when it comes to work and life in general. This article focuses on the 5 things that every person should…

  • Smile, You Are Alive.

    Smile can be easy to lose sight of the obvious sometimes. We all live such busy lives with numerous stresses, pulls, needs and wants, often striving for more and more.  Such striving does not necessarily have to be for ‘things.’  It can be a striving to be better, thinner, more beautiful, a stronger Mother, a more attentive partner, a…