Category: Self Care

  • Top Eight Life Coaching Myths

    Do you feel like life is a never-ending struggle? Do you feel like there’s no hope for change? If you’re nodding your head in agreement, then you’re not alone. A lot of people believe in the myths of hopelessness and defeatism, which can have a negative impact on your life. In this post, we’re going…

  • You Have Courage

    Do you have courage to stand up for what you believe in? The world is constantly changing, and it can be hard to keep up. But if you want to be successful in any field, you need to be willing to take on new challenges and fight for what you believe in. That’s why we’re…

  • High Heel Pain for Lots of Gain

    Are you sick of high heel pain? If so, you’re not alone! High heels have become one of the most popular types of footwear, but they come with a price – lots of heel pain. Here are five reasons why high heel pain is a problem, and five ways to avoid it. Don’t wait any…

  • How To Stop Playing Small And Start Living Bigger

    If you’re tired of playing small, it’s time to start living bigger. That’s why in this article, we’re going to teach you how to stop playing small and start taking charge of your life. We’ll show you how to develop a growth mindset, find your passion, and start living the life of your dreams. So…

  • Focus on yourself Beautiful

    “Focus on Yourself. Please. Don’t let your revolve around someone else, because people are temporary. Do your own things, have your own likes. Don’t do things for them. Do things for you. Don’t stick around waiting for them, don’t give up your all for them.When you concentrate on yourself, your connections with those around you…

  • Taming Your Inner Critic

    Do you ever find yourself feeling angry and frustrated more often than you’d like? Taming your Inner Critic is a need then.If so, it might be time to address your inner mean girl. This negative personality trait can lead to all sorts of problems, from emotional stress to bad habits. In this post, we’ll introduce…

  • 10 Self Love Tips for This Valentine’s Day: A Simple Guide for Life Coaches

    It’s the month and season of love.  And while it’s usual for us to think about this valentines as only being for romance, red roses and strangely scary stuffed animals – it really should be about love in ALL it’s forms.  And so here are our most loved Self Love tips for life coaches. Love…

  • When Will You Give Yourself Permission To Love Your Body?

    Body image is a sensitive and personal topic, but it’s something that many people struggle with. From societal pressures to personal insecurities, it can be challenging to love and accept your body as it is. But when will you give yourself permission to do so?In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of love your…

  • Want to Move Beyond Your Fear? Then Move!

    moment it feels to me like there is tonne of fear circulating through the Universe.  This could simply be my radar, but I’m seeing it and hearing it from a lot of different places.  Mostly I’m hearing it from brilliant, beautiful and talented people which just does not seem right.  Some are my much admired  life…

  • Ten Tips To Live Your Most Blissed Life

    If you would have asked me years ago what my most blissed life entailed I would have said parties, alcohol, older boyfriend, sleeping out, and rollin’ with my crew.  Turns out, this wasn’t the most sustainable recipe for blissful living. Looking back, I wasn’t shining my ‘true colors.’  I said yes to things I actually…