Are you sick of high heel pain? If so, you’re not alone! High heels have become one of the most popular types of footwear, but they come with a price – lots of heel pain. Here are five reasons why high heel pain is a problem, and five ways to avoid it. Don’t wait any longer – it’s time to put an end to high heel pain once and for all!
There was cupcakes. There was champagne. There was men in dresses and high heel shoes. Just another Saturday morning in my life really!
High Heel Pain
I’ve not long returned from a gorgeous morning celebrating the work of The Warwick Foundation – Australia’s only charitable foundation supporting young adults with cancer. I am a proud board member of TWF and hubby Glenn strapped on some very large heels and ran this morning with hundreds of other people in an attempt to break the Guiness World Record for the most people running in high heel shoes. Alas the record was not broken, but more than $20,000 was raised for the amazing work of the Foundation. There was a fantastic family atmosphere to the event, with lots of celebrity and media support too. It was incredibly moving to see teams of people running with photo’s of loved ones pinned to their t-shirts.
Working and supporting charities has always been a big part of my life. Giving truly is one of life’s great joys.
Enjoy these snaps of a very special day.
These lovely, (ahem), ladies, should have received a handicapped start! I think they are more than used to being in high heel shoes.
Sinead and Glenn (sporting a new beard!) with TWF Ambassador and Western Bulldogs Captain Brad Johnson. He is as delightful as his smile.
TWF Ambassador and “Neighbours” star Margot Robbie with Sinead. She ran in a pair of gold high heels that were very glam and was so lovely to talk to.
Run Dad Run!
The cheer squad waits with bandaids and the offer of a foot massage.
Congratulations everyone! Amazing effort.
By now, it is clear that high heels not just affect your feet but also cause pain and discomfort in the lower part of your body. Hence, it becomes necessary to stop wearing them.
Not sure how? Head over to our exclusive consultation website where we can help you manage your anxiety and get rid of this unwanted habit once and for all! Sign up today and get a free consultation!
Frequently Asked Questions
What causes high heel pain?
Wearing shoes with a stiffer sole has also been shown to increase discomfort due to the increased levels of arch compression forces placed on joints near your heel.
Is heel pain due to weight gain?
If you’re experiencing persistent heel pain that has failed to respond to treatments like rest and exercises, then it may be worthwhile seeing your doctor for an evaluation. He or she may recommend x-rays or MRI scans to determine the source of your discomfort and/or refer you for specialist care if necessary.
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