Category: Self Care

  • Compare Yourself Less. Love Yourself More.

    I think it’s catching on.  And spreading.  And I’m seeing more and more people succumb to its negative charms and lure. What is it? Comparisonitis.  The dis-ease of comparing yourself to others. Now this could be just comparing your body, size or shape to someone else.  It may be your business.  Your blog.  Your husband,…

  • Fears

    I have many fears. I’m afraid of spiders, snakes, the unknown, death, dark alleys, etc…but I also have fears based on my weight and my recovery. Now hear me out…I’m not saying these fears are rational, I’m just thinking I really need to work on these and possibly work through them. I actually have a…

  • Are You Eating Enough Brain Food?

    How Food Affects Your Ability to Think What you eat could have profound effects on how you think, on your intelligence level, and on your memory.  For example, according to doctors & nutritionists, what you eat can affect: The level of nerve chemicals in the brain that regulate your mental processes; The development and maintenance…

  • I Get You

    Don’t you just love it when someone ‘gets you.’  I know I do. It can be a feeling we experience from a whole heart connection to another person – or even – a pet.  Sometimes too it can happen in special moments when someone totally “gets” what you are on about.  Such are the things…

  • Comfortable

    When the cold weather rolls in, we all have a way of gravitating toward the things that make us feel comfortable. Cozy blankets, hot chocolate, carbs. It’s our way of hibernating for the winter. Ever since I got back from my honeymoon, I’ve been spending my almost all of my lunch breaks at a family-owned…

  • Don’t Get Discouraged

    If you are out there trying your very best but not still not seeing the results you want: Don’t Get Discouraged.  Keep going. If you are working on something and losing patience: Don’t Get Discouraged.  Take a deep breath and start again. If you are trying to improve a relationship and it’s not happening the…

  • today in fat hatred…

    *trigger warning for fat hatred* Without going into minute detail, I will admit that I have been struggling lately. A toxic mix of depression, anxiety, medication induced weight gain, medically suggested dieting and few of my clothes fitting me anymore has resulted in this Angry Fatty being more of a Sad Fatty. A very Sad…

  • Playing the Numbers Game

    A male journalist friend of mine recently asked an interesting question: Why are some women so reluctant to reveal their ages? When researching stories, he said, he often asks interview subjects how old they are and he’s noticed that some women tend to clam up or get suspicious — “Why do you need to know my age? —…

  • Be Your Own Best Friend

    I bet – I just BET – you are an amazing friend. Kind.  Loyal.  Forgiving.  Encouraging.  Available.  Positive.  Supportive.  Funny.  Helpful.  Giving. I just bet. While I might be quite certain you are all of these things to your friends and even others, what I’m not so sure about is if you are all of these…

  • Smile, You Are Alive.

    Smile can be easy to lose sight of the obvious sometimes. We all live such busy lives with numerous stresses, pulls, needs and wants, often striving for more and more.  Such striving does not necessarily have to be for ‘things.’  It can be a striving to be better, thinner, more beautiful, a stronger Mother, a more attentive partner, a…