Category: Self Care

  • Wear What You Want – When You Want

    The Universe was sending me a sign this week that I had to write this post with the simple premise that I wanted to let you, Beautiful You, know that it’s ok to wear whatever you want, whenever you want.  Now of course I don’t mean for you to do anything that is going to see…

  • All women are real.

    I was reading the NAAFA blog’s latest update on the casting for a new TV show, and this stopped me dead in my tracks: More To Love is by the same guys that do “The Bachelor” for ABC and is essentially the same show, except all the gals on the show are real girls with real curves.”…

  • If only poor people understood nutrition

    It seems like some people are constantly wringing their hands about how poor people eat (to wit: badly.) And the most popularly proposed solution is to teach them (“them”) more about nutrition! Or educate them in general. Because obviously they just don’t know what they’re doing. And that’s why they eat so badly, and hence, why their health tends…

  • My Perfectly Imperfect Self-Care

    When the beautiful Mara and  Tamarisk asked if I would be part of a blog hop that was going to have a focus on self-care – I have to confess I immediately recoiled.  Didn’t want to do it. But as I looked deeper into what the focus of what they wanted, I softened, because I could see it…

  • Food isn’t poison.

    One thing I dislike about nutrition is how often we discuss eating as though it’s something incredibly dangerous that people must do just right or risk INSTANT DEATH. When society has become so risk-averse that we can’t even enjoy food, you know something is terribly out of whack. Barring allergies, intolerances*, non-functioning organs, and foodborne illnesses, food isn’t going…

  • Sal’s Skincare Tips

    I get tons of compliments on my skin, and they always make me chuckle. I am prone to whiteheads, blackheads, AND cystic adult acne under my chin, so I consider my skin to be a major pain. But it is relatively even in tone, has little scarring, and bounces back from all three kinds of…

  • Cheeks and a Healthy Glow

    Hello, beauties! Today let’s talk cheeks and how to give yourself a healthy glow with blush and bronzer. Many women focus on their eyes and/or lips and don’t give much thought to blush and bronzer, especially after you’ve seen these products abused (think little old ladies and Tammy Faye) and because these products don’t really…

  • My Role Model: Moji

    Moji is a woman whose confidence and radiance makes you believe in yourself as soon as you meet her. As the winner of our Every Woman Search, her positive energy, passion for fashion and fierce catwalk strut inspired the judges and audience alike. But what makes Moji so special — and makes her my role model…

  • There’s No Such Thing As Competition

    I’m loving having a focus at Beautiful You this month about being an entrepreneur and blogger.  I hope for all you amazing people out there in business and/or writing beautiful blogs that you were challenged by my first post on reaching out to build beautiful relationships.  It really does work!  This week I’m talking about the…

  • Soul Work and NLP

    Many of you have watched my journey and the evolution of it unfold across the past four years since I left advertising and became an entrepreneur, coach and self-improvement expert. When I first met with a coach, what I told her is that I wanted a new life. Mission accomplished, ten-fold. And I’m so glad for…