Category: Already pretty

  • Is Going Makeup Free the Next Beauty ‘Trend?’

    When I went out for lunch with my husband last weekend I left the house without something I normally would have had on.  Makeup.  While I certainly have noticed that I am wearing less, and not more, makeup as I get older, it is usually something outside my home or a quick run to the…

  • Packing Effectively

    Advice on how to dress/packing for travel, specifically business travel? Or are there some other bloggers out there who do this well? I’ll answer the second question first: Audi of  Fashion for Nerds is my personal idol when it comes to packing advice. Or, really, ANY advice about traveling.  My personal packing tips are nothing earth-shattering,…

  • Why Settle for Burnt Toast?

    While making breakfast recently, the toast popped up a bit black. My omelet was hot and ready, but I found myself analyzing the toast. “Well, it’s a dark brown on one side,” I tried to convince myself. Now, some might like burnt toast, and that’s perfectly fine, but I really prefer a nice golden brown.…

  • Share Your Dreams With…Everyone!

    I recently saw actress Eva Mendes interviewed for The Today Show. For most of the time she spoke about her new role as the spokesperson of a perfume, but like many interviews there were more personally based questions asked of her as well.  One of those questions was if she had a big goal or dream…

  • Your Real Beauty – Your True Work – Your Beautiful Life

    Your real beauty – Your true work – Your beautiful lifeThis is the new mantra of beautiful you. I was reflecting for a number of months last year about the core meaning of my work and what I wanted it to mean not just for me but for you.  When you are a multi-passionate person like…

  • Thrifting for Trends

    My  shopping ban showed me about my motivations for spending, the value of saving, and how to make $10 go a looooong way. But one truly unexpected ban lesson was this: Thrifting stores are a FANTASTIC place to shop for the current season’s hottest trends. Seems ass-backwards, no? Why would a place peddling secondhand junk be…

  • Lovely Links:

    I got another shout-out from IFB in a piece on successfully monetizing your blog without compromising your ideals. Thanks IFB! Is style imitation a threat or a compliment? Grit and Glamour talks copyright basics for bloggers – how to use and credit images legally and respectfully. Medicinal Marzipan is hosting a teen-focused week on her fabulous blog. She’s even collecting posts from…

  • What Needs to GO on Your Path to PRO

    So often when we are thinking about running a successful business, (or even may I add a successful life), we think about the things we need to do, buy, engage in, meet, create and so much more.  We don’t necessarily give a great deal of thought to what we have to let go or get…

  • Going Vintage: What’s Your Visual?

    For years, women who want to get that “perfect bikini body” have been told to use visual reminders to keep themselves on track to meet their goal. You know what I mean — remember those pictures of models in swimsuits taped to the refrigerator so you’d think twice before opening it? I may have imagined…

  • Working On

     I visited some lovely clients who I have been working with for quite sometime. We are just finishing off the final bits and pieces in their home like framing and lampshades.You may recognise the green vintage lamp on their antique entry chest of drawers which they purchased from the antique shop in Marburg I posted…