Category: Balance

  • i’m quitting sugar! join me! #1

    I’m a sugar addict. Not merely partial to the sweet stuff. I’m adddddddicted. No bones about it. It started when, as a teenager, I moved into town from the country (where we ate subsistently and very naturally). A cocktail of girl hormones, new-found access to malls and corner shops,  as well as a kid-in-candy-store delight…

  • New Years Resolutions Diets

    I spoke a great deal in part’s one and two about how diets genuinely do little more than see our bank balance go down.  For those who want to lose weight though – where does this leave things?  If the ‘answer’ is not dieting – then what is?  At the end of part two in this…

  • New Years Resolutions Diets

    Earlier this week I posted the first of this now three part post on the very powerful pull towards dieting at  new year.  It’s a great idea to read that post here before launching into this second part. It never fails to amaze me how pervasive the diet and weight loss industry machine is at this time…

  • Remembering The Sandy Hook Children at Christmas

    A Prayer for Our Collective Wellness… -There comes a time in every child’s life when they stop believing in Santa. Something shifts and the magic is lost. They start to believe instead, that this world is hateful and harsh. They lose hope, they put away their dreams. –For the 20 children who’s lives were cut so…

  • Who Would You Be If You Weren’t Your Job?

    Many of the women who come to me for private coaching have a similar initial frustration: their job IS their life. They want more balance, which really means more life. (They’ve always got the “more work” part really well covered).I help them to rediscover their authentic self – the one who wanted a successful career…