Category: Body Image

  • Physical Disability and Body Image: Time to Broaden the Conversation

    Body image is an important issue that needs to be addressed, especially when it comes to disabled people. Too often, disabled people are left out of conversations about physical disability and body image . Thankfully, there are a growing number of bloggers and online communities that are working to change that. In this article, we’ll…

  • Benefits Of Yoga: A Healing Force for Negative Body Image

    There are many amazing things we can do to start the healing process if our body image and relationship with food is not as positive as it could be.  And let’s face it.  That’s a great many people.  I was delighted to recently learn that what looks like an amazing new Yoga class about the…

  • Levi’s Curve ID Bold Curve Jeans – But Where Are The Curves?

    Lately I seem to be running into advertisements for Levi’s Curve ID Bold Curve jeans everywhere – tv, online, Facebook – you name it.  While one would think that I would be happy with the slogan that is running with the line of jeans: “Hotness Comes in All Shapes and Sizes” I’m left somewhat cold.Bold Curve was…

  • Diet Books Are Not For Girls.

    We live in an amazing world.  One that’s filled with opportunities.  Wonder.  Beauty.  And from time to time even a little magic.  Despite that at least being my perspective, being a girl in today’s world is not always easy.  There’s undoubtedly more opportunities for girls and women than ever before, but I also think in…

  • Let’s Stop Self Hate

    I have been very inspired by a passionate plea from Kendra Sebelius in this past week to begin a movement to stop self hate.  You can view a clip from Kendra at her voice in recovery blog as to why she believes this is so important for all of us.  I entirely agree with any call to action that…

  • Sacred Self’s ‘Big’ Body Image Ideas

     When I called submissions outlining ideas on how we could become a more ‘body positive’ Australia I received a wonderful email reply from Michelle McGrath of sacred self .Michelle has kindly agreed to let me post her response and she has also given me a deck of her divine self love cards .Read on to learn…

  • Food you like is food that feels good.

    One of my most scandalous messages is that you should  eat whatever you want,in whatever amount you want. What scandalizes me is how people often interpret this message. Over and over again, this is how people respond: “I can’t do that because I would eat cake 24/7.” “But you’d overeat all the time!” “I’d eat such an…

  • Donna Hay ‘Drops’ Dress Sizes

    The headlines screamed  ‘How Donna Hay Dropped Three Dress Size’together with a full length photo from the front page of the weekend newspaper.  The full colour story on one of Australia’s most well known chef’s, Donna Hay, could hardly have been missed.  I turned to the story afraid I was going to find details of…

  • The Lure of Labiaplasty

    Just over a week ago, I was booked in for a surgery called Labiaplasty. Labiaplasty is a surgery for women with elongated labia minora, or the inner lips of a woman’s vagina. I happen to be one of them. I first noticed the additional length in my early teens.  I thought that something wasn’t quite right,…

  • Notes on “Heavy.”

    I don’t normally write about TV shows. In fact, I purposely avoid watching TV shows about heavy nutrition, fitness, and weight loss because they annoy me, and my yelling at the television then annoys my husband. But when I saw the advertisements for A&E’s new show heavy (in between advertisements for Hoarders  and intervention , in case you were…