Are you ready to take your business to the next level? If so, Marie Forleo’s Rich, Happy, and Hot B-School may be the answer you’ve been looking for. This comprehensive online program offers a wealth of resources and tools to help you build a successful business that aligns with your values and passions.
But that’s not all – if you enroll now, you’ll also receive three coaching sessions with a certified Beautiful You coach. These sessions will provide you with personalized support and guidance as you navigate the B-School curriculum and work to implement what you’ve learned.
In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at what makes Marie Forleo’s B-School so unique and the benefits of receiving coaching sessions from a Beautiful You coach. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to invest in yourself and your business.

You Entrepreneurs Month continues to be so much fun. I am loving posting about all things business, blogging and entrepreneurship. Many of you have emailed me saying you have loved the advice and tips which I’m so grateful for…and there is more to come!
Coaching Sessions
It might have been hard to miss in entrepreneurial circles around the globe right now that Marie Forleo’s Rich Happy and Hot BSchool is now OPEN for enrolments! And I wanted to share with you all why I loved doing BSchool in 2012, the differences it has made in my business, and why I think if you are serious about starting a business or growing the business baby you already have – it’s a truly amazing course for you to do AND get a chance to work with me too. But firstly – what is BSchool for those of you who still may not know?
B-School is the world’s first online business school for women entrepreneurs.
It is a curriculum based training program that teaches smart, modern and “non-douchy” online marketing strategies to women business owners who want more sales and more impact from their online presence.
The program is delivered as an 8-week, video based, interactive online training program that demands big action and creates big results.
Deciding to do BSchool for me was not an easy decision. It was happening at a time last year when I had a lot on – both professionally and personally – and it was actually my business brained husband who told me to go for it after he watched some of Marie’s videos and sharing with me he thought she was ‘the real deal.’ He was right. Doing BSchool enriched my business immensely and life as well in so many ways. Let me share some more exact details with you on how.
– I finally learned what a really good, solid, decent layout of a website that both gives to people and converts to clients looks like. Some minor adjustments here, some major adjustments there and suddenly I started to notice more and more people were contacting me simply through google searches and viral means rather than being referred by someone I already knew. That is a beautiful way to get new business too – but having both is even better.
– The sign ups to my newsletter QUADRUPLED. Yes indeed. And why is this so important? Because if you’re not aware of it already your email list is one of the most valuable things you own, especially when many people want to connect with you that way first before buying from or working with you.
– My organisational skills skyrocketed; particularly in relation to my social media and blogging schedule. Both now hum beautifully and are regular and meaningful to me and I know many of you too. Thank you.
– I was featured on websites and in interviews by other incredible women who did BSchool both while we were venturing the course together and afterwards.
– I formed incredible new professional relationships and friendships with an Australian based and further worldwide network of amazing women all living their entrepreneurial dream. We engage and support each other both online and in person and it is quite frankly the best ‘sisterhood’ I have ever belonged to.
But most of all with BSchool my shining achievements have been that since taking the course in the middle of last year – less than a year ago –
I have become a full time entrepreneur
I now am running a six figure business that is growing all the time
I have a two month waiting list for new clients

Marie appearing on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday
It’s what I only ever imagined may be possible one day – but that one day is now here for me. And I know I am not the only one. Many incredible business women the world over have done BSchool including Danielle LaPorte, Kris Carr, Nathalie Lussier, Laura Roeder and more. And I am not super special beautiful you. If I can do it – so can you!
Is it calling you too? Do you have, like I did, a dream to start or grow your business into something that is life giving and amazing for not just you but all you wish to touch with your work and of course your family and loved ones too? Then this amazing online business course could just be perfect for you.
And in even better news if you sign up to do BSchool through my affiliate link you will receive THREE coaching sessions (or counselling if you prefer) from me for any purpose you like. It may be something life related or to further support you in your business. That is entirely up to you. And if you’re wondering what we might achieve together – why not pop over and check out these beautiful people to see. Wow! Amazing right?!
If you have any questions at all beautiful you feel free to email me at julie @ beautifulyoubyjulie.com – please remember you must sign up through this exact link to be able to receive your coaching bonus.
To your beautiful business success!
If you’re looking to improve your life in some way, Marie Forleo’s Rich, Happy and Hot BSchool may be the right fit for you. This program offers a variety of courses that can help you achieve your goals, including an enrolment package that includes three beautiful coaching sessions. By taking advantage of this offer, you can get the help and support you need to reach your goals and live a richer, happier, and more successful life. If you’re interested in learning more about this program and enrolling, please let us know in the comments below. We would love to hear from you!
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the 5 basic elements of a coaching sessions?
Understanding through Evaluation, Giving Feedback, and Understanding.
Setting Objectives; Getting Help; and Keeping Support.
What are the 3 P’s of coaching?
What are the 4 pillars of coaching?
2. Skills for coaching.
3. Measure.
4. Practice.
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