Author: missericat

  • Food you like is food that feels good.

    One of my most scandalous messages is that you should  eat whatever you want,in whatever amount you want. What scandalizes me is how people often interpret this message. Over and over again, this is how people respond: “I can’t do that because I would eat cake 24/7.” “But you’d overeat all the time!” “I’d eat such an…

  • In Celebration of International Women’s Day

    Today is International Women’s Day – a day to celebrate not only being a woman but womanhood as a whole, honouring the many amazing, unique and incredible things that women have done and continue to do, the world over.  I’m thrilled to present this guest post in honour of the day by a young woman…

  • Troll Dolls Get a Sexy Makeover – But Why?

    What on earth is going on here? Seems the beloved troll dolls of my childhood have been deemed in need of a makeover. “The original troll dolls debuted in the 1960s with chubby bodies, unruly hair and pug noses. More recently they’ve been updated—while they still have only four fingers on each hand, the new Trollz…

  • Donna Hay ‘Drops’ Dress Sizes

    The headlines screamed  ‘How Donna Hay Dropped Three Dress Size’together with a full length photo from the front page of the weekend newspaper.  The full colour story on one of Australia’s most well known chef’s, Donna Hay, could hardly have been missed.  I turned to the story afraid I was going to find details of…

  • Brain disorder

    I’ll plead guilty–I’ve thrown around the phrase “brain disorder” in my time, even here on this blog. But what the hell does this term even MEAN?!? Here’s the problem: there’s no consensus.  Not in the field of eating disorders, not in the field of psychiatry, not in mental health.  Obviously, the idea of “brain disorder”…

  • The Lure of Labiaplasty

    Just over a week ago, I was booked in for a surgery called Labiaplasty. Labiaplasty is a surgery for women with elongated labia minora, or the inner lips of a woman’s vagina. I happen to be one of them. I first noticed the additional length in my early teens.  I thought that something wasn’t quite right,…

  • In which I defend Jillian Michaels?

    Regardless, I’m just gonna go ahead and jump right in here, because this whole Jillian Michaels saga is making my brains ooze out of my ears. And I need my brains. I find them helpful in this whole saga that is graduate school. Let me be frank. I don’t particularly care for Jillian Michaels. While…

  • Is Going Makeup Free the Next Beauty ‘Trend?’

    When I went out for lunch with my husband last weekend I left the house without something I normally would have had on.  Makeup.  While I certainly have noticed that I am wearing less, and not more, makeup as I get older, it is usually something outside my home or a quick run to the…

  • Packing Effectively

    Advice on how to dress/packing for travel, specifically business travel? Or are there some other bloggers out there who do this well? I’ll answer the second question first: Audi of  Fashion for Nerds is my personal idol when it comes to packing advice. Or, really, ANY advice about traveling.  My personal packing tips are nothing earth-shattering,…

  • Notes on “Heavy.”

    I don’t normally write about TV shows. In fact, I purposely avoid watching TV shows about heavy nutrition, fitness, and weight loss because they annoy me, and my yelling at the television then annoys my husband. But when I saw the advertisements for A&E’s new show heavy (in between advertisements for Hoarders  and intervention , in case you were…