Category: Eating disorder

  • Happiness is Within

    Do you ever find yourself struggling to find happiness in your life? Perhaps you feel like you don’t have control over your happiness and that it’s out of your reach. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. The key to happiness is within you, and you can find it if you’re willing to seek…

  • Understanding the Language of Eating Disorders

    It’s turning out to be book week here at Beautiful You!  A few days ago I posted my review of ’7 Ways to Love Yourself’ by Michelle Marie McGrath and today I’m delighted to be telling you about a new book that is coming out called ‘Ed Said You Said’ by Cate Sangster and June Alexander.…

  • Restoring Our Bodies, Reclaiming Our Lives

    I feel very fortunate to have been given a copy of the latest book by Aimee Liu, ‘Restoring Our Bodies, Reclaiming Our Lives’ to review for you here at Beautiful You.  The fortunate feelings have arisen because I consider it to be one of the more sound and also inspirational books on eating disorders I have ever read; a work I would gladly…

  • Brain disorder

    I’ll plead guilty–I’ve thrown around the phrase “brain disorder” in my time, even here on this blog. But what the hell does this term even MEAN?!? Here’s the problem: there’s no consensus.  Not in the field of eating disorders, not in the field of psychiatry, not in mental health.  Obviously, the idea of “brain disorder”…

  • In which I defend Jillian Michaels?

    Regardless, I’m just gonna go ahead and jump right in here, because this whole Jillian Michaels saga is making my brains ooze out of my ears. And I need my brains. I find them helpful in this whole saga that is graduate school. Let me be frank. I don’t particularly care for Jillian Michaels. While…

  • Gender Politics, Media & Eating Disorders

    I didn’t realize I had an eating disorder until I confessed one night to my college sweetheart; “Sometimes I make myself sick.”  I know—how do you not get what’s happening when you’re purging?  Sadly, people with eating disorders often can’t accept they’re sick.  They swear what they’re doing is okay.  That’s why I was as…

  • Finding your passion

    One of the hardest things for me to adjust to in recovery was all of the spare time and energy I had. Finding my passion was a challenge for me. When I was in the depths of ED, I spent all my awake time perseverating about how much I ate, how much I exercised, what I…

  • Pound for pound

    When I have an off day in recovery and all I can see when I look in the mirror is the weight and pound I’ve gained, I try to remind myself of this: Every extra pound on my frame no longer represents the burning need to go back to a skinny life but to move…

  • Health Care for the Obese

    A new study published today reports that overweight and obese patients get the same or better quality of health care than “normal” weight patients. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania say they looked at quality of care across eight performance measures among Medicare and VA patients, and found no difference in the kinds of treatments…

  • People With Eating Disorders Come in All Shapes and Sizes

    People send me the most amazing things.  And this postcard is certainly one of them.  Experiencing an eating disorder, or indeed any mental illness, can be a lonely and isolating experience.  I have often heard from people experiencing eating disorders that they have this feeling of isolation very acutely because people around them struggle to…