Author: missericat


    With the warmer days taking a little longer to arrive than expected, I thought we may need a little excitement here at Body Positive to ensure we are ready for (and chanting) ‘spring’ in anticipation of the season to come! If like me, you feel that it has been far too long between a decent dose of…

  • i’m quitting sugar! join me! #1

    I’m a sugar addict. Not merely partial to the sweet stuff. I’m adddddddicted. No bones about it. It started when, as a teenager, I moved into town from the country (where we ate subsistently and very naturally). A cocktail of girl hormones, new-found access to malls and corner shops,  as well as a kid-in-candy-store delight…

  • More of Me to Love is Green

    Going Green is a very popular idea these days, but it’s about more than just recycling paper. Going Green is about a conscious attitude towards implementing environmentally sustainable practices and focusing on ways to ensure that our business is part of the solution rather than the problem. Here are just a few of the things…

  • Give Yourself the Present of Being Present

    I’ve been there too you know. That feeling when you quite literally think everything is falling in on top of you.  Overwhelmed.  Uncertain.  Tight.  Worried.  Like it’s never going to work out.  Never going to go away. We all have. You’re not alone. And I’m the first person to admit that on some days it can…

  • Debunking “the Microscope Theory”

    Yesterday I was chatting with a friend who asked for my advice about what I like to call the “Microscope Theory.” The Microscope Theory is essentially the belief that having an eating disorder infinitely increases the frequency and intensity with which you are judged by others around you. This may sound odd to those who…

  • Business Success Lives in Your Heart and Mind

    When you run a business or even a blog that you would love more readers for, your mindset to that undertaking plays a huge part in its success.  When I say huge…I mean it.  Huge Business success You can have a chic brand or header, beautiful imagery, incredible products and a kick ass business plan…

  • The Impact of Disordered Eating on Our Families

    Marzipanlings, today I would like to share with you an amazing letter that I received, written by a mother to her daughter’s eating disorder. So often we become so consumed with discussing how disordered eating affects the individual, that we forget the impact that our struggles have on our loved ones and family members. I…

  • Girl Knowledge

    Several years ago, I was having lunch with two girlfriends. One was a no-makeup, Birks-and-jeans boho gal. The other was a consummate athlete who ran and biked all summer, ran and skiied all winter, and seldom wore anything flashier than a simple silver necklace. We chatted away about our husbands, our hobbies, movies we’d seen,…

  • Lovely Links:

    I got another shout-out from IFB in a piece on successfully monetizing your blog without compromising your ideals. Thanks IFB! Is style imitation a threat or a compliment? Grit and Glamour talks copyright basics for bloggers – how to use and credit images legally and respectfully. Medicinal Marzipan is hosting a teen-focused week on her fabulous blog. She’s even collecting posts from…

  • Top Eight Life Coaching Myths

    In every industry and area of business there are always myths that can, if left unchecked, end up being what people believe is right and true.  The result?  People holding themselves back and stifling their real potential. And such myths and falsehoods certainly abound in the life coaching industry too.  Some of them I have noted…