Author: missericat

  • “Ugh. Look at how fat that kid is.”

    Update: *Someone requested that I put an ED trigger warning on this and the comments so far. So here it is. Always happy to add trigger warnings if you drop me a line* S x Female One:  ”Ugh. Look at how fat that kid is.” (Referring to a kid about aged 8 in the pool)…

  • Compare Yourself Less. Love Yourself More.

    I think it’s catching on.  And spreading.  And I’m seeing more and more people succumb to its negative charms and lure. What is it? Comparisonitis.  The dis-ease of comparing yourself to others. Now this could be just comparing your body, size or shape to someone else.  It may be your business.  Your blog.  Your husband,…

  • Just For Men Manipulation

    While it is clear to me (and I am sure you) that my readership is predominantly female, I certainly do know that there are men who read my blog, are fans on facebook and even leave comments.  Thankyou!It is often presumed that body image issues and even marketing strategies that prey on our self esteem…

  • Going Vintage: What’s Your Visual?

    For years, women who want to get that “perfect bikini body” have been told to use visual reminders to keep themselves on track to meet their goal. You know what I mean — remember those pictures of models in swimsuits taped to the refrigerator so you’d think twice before opening it? I may have imagined…

  • Eating Lessons: Forget Rules

    Yesterday I had an interesting conversation with my daughter about a school project she’s working on. Her eighth-grade language arts class has been assigned to write a food memoir. The teacher has asked the students to choose a food that is meaningful to them and write about it, including their associations, feelings and history with…

  • What about treatment providers? Do their body types matter?

    This is something that I’ve been wondering about for a while, and something that has come up in conversation with a few friends in recovery lately. I get the feeling that this is something that people are perhaps hesitant to talk about because we don’t want to be seen as judging others based on body…

  • A person with an eating disorder AND rational food ethics?! Get outta here!

    Well, okay. I’m 100% vegetarian, and a “relaxed” vegan. I eat vegan the vast majority of the time, but I will make occasional exceptions (like, for example, the fun size reese’s pieces that I’m having right now). I went vegetarian at 16, when my eating disorder was active. I will be honest and say, yes,…

  • Fears

    I have many fears. I’m afraid of spiders, snakes, the unknown, death, dark alleys, etc…but I also have fears based on my weight and my recovery. Now hear me out…I’m not saying these fears are rational, I’m just thinking I really need to work on these and possibly work through them. I actually have a…

  • ‘Beginner At Life’ returns to Australia

    Following its acclaimed Australian premiere at the Tap Gallery , New York City playwrite Alana Ruben Free is bringing Beginner At Life back for two performances at Newtown Theatre and one at the Bondi Pavilion during April and May. This is a wonderful and inspiring event that I highly recommend. I attended three performances of Beginner At Life …

  • Advice for Grandparents

    What should you do if you notice a change in your grandchild’s eating habits? The first thing to do is to talk to your child (the parent) about your concerns so that you can share ideas to help your grandchild and collaborate on a course of action. If your child, who is now the parent,…