Author: missericat

  • Who’s on a high horse??

    Well, actually I’m not. I’d like to, but I don’t have a horse. Also, I don’t really know how to ride. I’ve only done it a handful of times, and I’m *still* amazed that I didn’t bounce right out of the seat when I hit a canter. I want to address this article about eating disorders…

  • Are You Eating Enough Brain Food?

    How Food Affects Your Ability to Think What you eat could have profound effects on how you think, on your intelligence level, and on your memory.  For example, according to doctors & nutritionists, what you eat can affect: The level of nerve chemicals in the brain that regulate your mental processes; The development and maintenance…

  • I Get You

    Don’t you just love it when someone ‘gets you.’  I know I do. It can be a feeling we experience from a whole heart connection to another person – or even – a pet.  Sometimes too it can happen in special moments when someone totally “gets” what you are on about.  Such are the things…

  • Working On

     I visited some lovely clients who I have been working with for quite sometime. We are just finishing off the final bits and pieces in their home like framing and lampshades.You may recognise the green vintage lamp on their antique entry chest of drawers which they purchased from the antique shop in Marburg I posted…

  • White Hair and Wrinkles Celebrated

    Relaxing over the holiday season, I spent some time surfing the compressive database on of past collections – and came across an exciting discovery. The Etro Men’s Fall 2009 show during Milan Fashion Week included several mature, gray and white haired, and wrinkle proud models. The one woman can be viewed as revolutionary. A…

  • Words Can Break You

    Even as a kid I knew there was something seriously flawed with the mantra, “sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me.” While it’s a nice ideal, it’s rarely the truth. And adults rarely know the tools to teach kids how to reach that point where words can never hurt…

  • Body Image Still An Issue

    This week’s issue of Who magazine is “The Body Issue”. The fold-out cover showcases high profile Australians including Jodi Gordon, Tom Williams, Catriona Rowntree, Pat Rafter and Lisa Curry to name a few, in tasteful black body wear. “The Body Issue” discusses body bullying, negative body image at school and male body image and shows…

  • Life lessons

    I’ve started a little list of my advice for my future children and wanted to share a few of the things on there with you. Enjoy and feel free to add your own!! 1. Don’t be a flake. If you have no intentions of being somewhere, say so. Otherwise, appreciate that someone truly wanted you…

  • Comfortable

    When the cold weather rolls in, we all have a way of gravitating toward the things that make us feel comfortable. Cozy blankets, hot chocolate, carbs. It’s our way of hibernating for the winter. Ever since I got back from my honeymoon, I’ve been spending my almost all of my lunch breaks at a family-owned…

  • If we don’t owe pretty to anyone, why are we fatshionistas?

    In particular, the following quote has been making the rounds on Tumblr, and it totally revolutionised the way I see dressing myself, and putting on make-up and generally getting all fanced up. You Don’t Have to Be Pretty. You don’t owe prettiness to anyone. Not to your boyfriend/spouse/partner, not to your co-workers, especially not to random men…