Author: missericat

  • Living Fat

    In the 37 years I have been inhabiting it, my body has done some stuff. It has taken me on many camping trips, it has gestated, birthed and nourished two babies, it has given of itself and enjoyed the attentions of lovers, it has walked 24 km/14 miles in one go, it has thrown tiles…

  • Celebrate Your Curves

    Project Runway Canada Season Two alum Jessica Biffi has launched two capsule collections for Canada’s top plus size retailer Addition Elle. The collections, Bold Biffi for MXM and Jessica Biffi for Addition Elle, bring Jessica’s rocking style, design savvy, and firsthand knowledge of the plus consumer, as beautiful curvy woman herself, to all of us. Jessica…

  • FOCUS….It’s your choice!

    Recently I was asked “HOW do you stay positive EVERY DAY?” My answer is SIMPLE… Its a choice! I don’t get up feeling deliriously happy inside, that would be its own kind of nightmare. I just CHOOSE to LIVE POSITIVE! Everyday we get up and WE DECIDE what kind of day we will have. Not the weather, the…

  • Men & Body Image

    Brad Pitt is a beautiful man. I’m a male, I’m straight, and I don’t mind admitting that Brad’s body, especially in “Fight Club,” is an impressive sight. Same with D’Angelo, in that powerful, sexual “Untitled” video; he’s a put-together dude, and there’s no reason to deny it. But while I’m cool with thinking those guys…

  • The Ultimate Guide To Loving Your Body: 7 Tips For A Healthier Relationship

    In a world that constantly bombards us with unrealistic beauty standards, it can be challenging to loving your body . But the truth is, having a healthy relationship with your body is crucial for your overall well-being. It’s time to break free from the negative self-talk and start embracing the unique qualities that make you…

  • Become An Amazing Public Speaker

    Let’s talk talking. Or in particular – public speaking. Supposedly it’s a huge fear for many, many people and in fact I’m sure you’ve all heard that statistic floating about that states it’s actually the BIGGEST fear people have.  Like more than spiders.  Or snakes.  Or death by fire. Now I’m willing to admit that…

  • Be Proud of Your Strengths and Talents

    How often in life do you find yourself focusing on what you don’t have rather than what you do?  What’s going wrong rather than what’s going right? If you’re anything like a lot of people then the focusing on the negative stuff is often so much easier to do than focusing on the positive.  The…

  • Don’t Get Discouraged

    If you are out there trying your very best but not still not seeing the results you want: Don’t Get Discouraged.  Keep going. If you are working on something and losing patience: Don’t Get Discouraged.  Take a deep breath and start again. If you are trying to improve a relationship and it’s not happening the…

  • Hello, Pretty Face

    Hello, pretty face. Lord above you are pretty.  So pretty. Look at your sparkly eyes that hold so much wisdom and your bright smile that shines throughout the day. Do you know you are pretty? I hope so. You are so pretty to me and I know many others.  Your prettiness and wittiness and beautifulness makes the…

  • The Best Part Of Beauty

    I thought after all the supportive responses to my horror at the Australian introduction of child beauty pageants, this lovely little thought and image would be timely to share.  It was quite a rant, but I see from all your comments, you agree with me that these pageants are not in any way positive for growing…