Author: missericat

  • There’s No Such Thing As Competition

    I’m loving having a focus at Beautiful You this month about being an entrepreneur and blogger.  I hope for all you amazing people out there in business and/or writing beautiful blogs that you were challenged by my first post on reaching out to build beautiful relationships.  It really does work!  This week I’m talking about the…

  • Soul Work and NLP

    Many of you have watched my journey and the evolution of it unfold across the past four years since I left advertising and became an entrepreneur, coach and self-improvement expert. When I first met with a coach, what I told her is that I wanted a new life. Mission accomplished, ten-fold. And I’m so glad for…

  • Here’s What Makes A Relationship Easy

    Relationships are hard work. That’s what they tells us, whoever they are. (Someday I’d like to meet this person, named “they”.) After all, you have to find the right person, and then make things work. It’s all quite forced, wouldn’t you say? When you do experience love, many call it puppy love or young love, as if that carefree happiness…

  • The Epitome of YES

    The Epitome of YES. One of my biggest fears (c’mon, we all have them) is the word “YES”. Don’t get me wrong, I love the potential it holds – with greatness lurking just beyond its mere utterance. But before I can get to that – before I can even utter that three letter word –…

  • How to Stop Judging Yourself and Everyone Around You

    Unless you’ve spent a significant amount of time with me, you may not know I choose my underwear color based on the chakra needing the most love that day, or that I shoot arrow prayers to God each time a siren blazes by me – prayers for those in need as well as those answering…

  • Stop Arguing. Do this Instead.

    It’s an evolutionary trait that we think getting what we want happens when we complain, cry, yell or throw adult-sized tantrums. It started when you were a baby; you had needs so you cried. Someone rushed to feed, change, snuggle or dote on you, hopefully. If you don’t get attention right away, you cried louder.…

  • Shadow Work and The Painful Separation of Belonging

    We’ve all been there – those days where it feels like nothing could possibly ever make how you feel better. From the moment I woke up, I’ve been set on being grumpy, claiming victimhood and noticing everything that ever could and should go wrong. For some reason, it feels safer that way. These are the days…

  • 3 Secrets to Starting Your Day with Self-Love

    Have you ever noticed how the tone of your morning tends to set your pace for your entire day?  I’ve noticed that on the days when I wake up late, rush to get ready and don’t have time to center and ground myself in all that I want for the day ahead, things tend to…

  • Remembering The Sandy Hook Children at Christmas

    A Prayer for Our Collective Wellness… -There comes a time in every child’s life when they stop believing in Santa. Something shifts and the magic is lost. They start to believe instead, that this world is hateful and harsh. They lose hope, they put away their dreams. –For the 20 children who’s lives were cut so…

  • 3 Reasons NOT to Play By the Rules

    Go directly to jail. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. And so you sit, imprisoned until you roll doubles, have done your time, or, if you’re lucky, can use your get-out-of-jail-free card that you’ve been saving for a moment such as this exact one. That’s how it works, that’s the  RULES.–Unless you play…