Category: Career

  • What Needs to GO on Your Path to PRO

    So often when we are thinking about running a successful business, (or even may I add a successful life), we think about the things we need to do, buy, engage in, meet, create and so much more.  We don’t necessarily give a great deal of thought to what we have to let go or get…

  • Turning Sabotage Into Your Best Friend

    We all sabotage ourselves from time to time.  There’s no denying it.  We do it whenever we think thoughts, feel emotions, or do physical things that limit or hinder us in ways that take us in the opposite direction to where we’d like to be heading in life. Whether its telling ourselves that we’re not…

  • Top Eight Life Coaching Myths

    In every industry and area of business there are always myths that can, if left unchecked, end up being what people believe is right and true.  The result?  People holding themselves back and stifling their real potential. And such myths and falsehoods certainly abound in the life coaching industry too.  Some of them I have noted…

  • Share Your Dreams With…Everyone!

    I recently saw actress Eva Mendes interviewed for The Today Show. For most of the time she spoke about her new role as the spokesperson of a perfume, but like many interviews there were more personally based questions asked of her as well.  One of those questions was if she had a big goal or dream…

  • Life lessons

    I’ve started a little list of my advice for my future children and wanted to share a few of the things on there with you. Enjoy and feel free to add your own!! 1. Don’t be a flake. If you have no intentions of being somewhere, say so. Otherwise, appreciate that someone truly wanted you…

  • If we don’t owe pretty to anyone, why are we fatshionistas?

    In particular, the following quote has been making the rounds on Tumblr, and it totally revolutionised the way I see dressing myself, and putting on make-up and generally getting all fanced up. You Don’t Have to Be Pretty. You don’t owe prettiness to anyone. Not to your boyfriend/spouse/partner, not to your co-workers, especially not to random men…

  • FOCUS….It’s your choice!

    Recently I was asked “HOW do you stay positive EVERY DAY?” My answer is SIMPLE… Its a choice! I don’t get up feeling deliriously happy inside, that would be its own kind of nightmare. I just CHOOSE to LIVE POSITIVE! Everyday we get up and WE DECIDE what kind of day we will have. Not the weather, the…

  • Be Proud of Your Strengths and Talents

    How often in life do you find yourself focusing on what you don’t have rather than what you do?  What’s going wrong rather than what’s going right? If you’re anything like a lot of people then the focusing on the negative stuff is often so much easier to do than focusing on the positive.  The…

  • When Is The ‘Right’ Time?

    One of the things that many of my coaching clients ask me is when is the ‘right’ time to do something. When is the right time to change jobs? When is the right time to move overseas? When is the right time to leave full time work and have more time to myself? When is the right time to…

  • Who Would You Be If You Weren’t Your Job?

    Many of the women who come to me for private coaching have a similar initial frustration: their job IS their life. They want more balance, which really means more life. (They’ve always got the “more work” part really well covered).I help them to rediscover their authentic self – the one who wanted a successful career…