Wear What You Want – When You Want

Are you tired of the fashion industry dictating what you should wear and when you want? It’s time to break free from the restrictions and embrace your personal style. In this blog post, we’ll explore why it’s important to wear what you want, when you want. We’ll discuss how fashion choices can empower individuals and challenge societal norms. So whether you prefer jeans and a t-shirt or a glamorous dress, remember that fashion is all about self-expression. Join us as we celebrate individuality and encourage you to wear whatever makes you feel confident and comfortable.

The Universe was sending me a sign this week that I had to write this post with the simple premise that I wanted to let you, Beautiful You, know that it’s ok to wear what you want, when you want.  Now of course I don’t mean for you to do anything that is going to see you charged with public indecency (!), rather, I want to encourage you to feel liberated to wear what makes you feel amazing.  Where has this inspiration come from?

Wear What You Want – When You Want

Well…they say things come in threes and they certainly came to me in this way with stories relating to former model Elle McPherson, reality television star Billie Faiers and and British X Factor judge Cheryl Cole.  All women in one way or another were written about in a way recently that questioned the appropriateness of what they were wearing.  It was not just a situation like the one recently where fashion writer Maggie Alderson criticised Vanessa Hudgens for her dress choice.  It was about calling into question the ‘appropriateness’ of the clothing and shoe choices of each of them for what they happened to be doing at that time.

When You Want

Image: Fashion Fame

For Elle it was about wearing red leather pants while on her way to work via dropping her children off at school, for Billie it was about the supposed briefness of her exercise attire and for Cheryl it was about her shoe choice because according to the writer she had fat ankles or ‘cankles.’  (Just in case you’re not sure what the word cankles mean you might like to check out this post and my thoughts on it).  But never fear Cheryl.  The writer also thinks Miley Cyrus and Mischa Barton have cankles to concern themselves with too.  Le sigh. 

The Elle McPherson story comes across as nothing more than a jealous snipe; the sort of reporting that pits women against one another and prompts them to compare.  Formerly criticised for ‘dressing up’ too much for the school run, Elle has had to defend herself saying she drops her children off at school and then goes on to work.  Like millions of Mums around the world!  And really, if you can’t wear red leather pants to a job in the fashion industry – where can you wear them? 

For Billie the premise of the criticism aimed at her is simple.  Her Adidas workout gear is too skimpy.  But surely the idea behind doing anything that involves you sweating and moving your body in a strenuous way should prompt the wearing of as few clothes as you feel comfortable with?  I certainly know for me that I don’t like getting overheated when I exercise so I will wear the least amount possible. 

And Cheryl?  Well her ankles/cankles are so dire that the only thing suitable for her to wear is floor length gowns or anything that hides such an ambomination.  The cute minidress and wedges she has on?  How dare she.  (Insert sarcasm here).  Well to my mind, Elle and Cheryl look gorgeous and Billie looks like a young woman who enjoys exercising, taking care of herself and getting outdoors and living her life in an active and fantastic way.  What’s not to love about that?

Such criticism speaks to a larger issue we have where not just media outlets, fashion magazines and personal stylists offer up opinions, but so do supposedly well meaning Mothers, Aunts, sisters and friends as to what is ‘ok’ or ‘oh no not that’ for us to wear.  There are so many fashion and beauty ’rules’ that abound but I really call into question if they are nothing more than a way to constrict women and make them conform to cultural norms.  Who has heard of these beauties?

You can only wear a bikini if you’re thin

If you are over 50 you shouldn’t have long hair

Blue and green should never be seen

Plus size women shouldn’t wear horizontal stripes

Plus size women shouldn’t wear anything that is tight or too fitted

Small busted women should wear push up bras and cleavage enhancing blouses and tops

I could go on as I know there are many more, but I won’t.  They say that rules are meant to be broken and I think that especially the case here when we don’t even really get to set the rules.  Well here are some beautiful examples of women bucking fashion and beauty norms – the divine Gabi from Young, Fat and Fabulous rocking a hot pink bikini – the fashion writer here criticises the plus size blue and green maxi with horizontal stripes in this collection but I beg to differ and think the model looks gorgeous – and if this is how long hair (and grey to boot) over 50 looks; well I say bring it on. 

Expressing your personal style through fashion is a powerful form of self-expression. It allows you to showcase your individuality and creativity to the world. So why not wear what you want, when you want? Embrace your unique style and have fun experimenting with different looks and trends. Whether it’s a bold statement piece or a classic wardrobe staple, confidence is the key to pulling off any outfit with style. Remember, fashion is all about self-expression and feeling good in what you wear, when you want. So go ahead, let your personality shine through your wardrobe choices and wear what truly makes you happy. If you have any thoughts or questions about this topic, let us know in the comments below. We would love to hear from you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should we wear whatever we want?

Knowing that you are being true to who you are gives you freedom. You may find yourself inspired in other areas of your life once you allow yourself the freedom to express creativity in your wardrobe; you’ve just opened the floodgates! The moment you start to own your particular style, your confidence will soar.

What is the freedom of wearing what you want?

According to Article 19 of the UDHR, wearing clothes—or, to be more precise, selecting which clothes to wear—is for many people an essential component of expression. People with severe disabilities may dress poorly, preventing them from expressing themselves as they would like.

Why do we wear different?

(i) to ornament or decorate ourselves; (ii) to categorize ourselves based on race, religion, culture, modesty, and position; and (iii) to protect our skin and body from environmental elements and biotic factors like insects and pathogens.


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