Author: missericat

  • Confidence

    I am not, by nature, a very confident person.  I doubt myself.  For that matter, I doubt everything.  And so, like many people with eating disorders, I doubted my ability to get better.  For years, I thought I was too messed up to ever return to anything called normal. I was lucky.  I had family…

  • When Will You Give Yourself Permission To Love Your Body?

    Body image is a sensitive and personal topic, but it’s something that many people struggle with. From societal pressures to personal insecurities, it can be challenging to love and accept your body as it is. But when will you give yourself permission to do so?In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of love your…

  • What Needs to GO on Your Path to PRO

    So often when we are thinking about running a successful business, (or even may I add a successful life), we think about the things we need to do, buy, engage in, meet, create and so much more.  We don’t necessarily give a great deal of thought to what we have to let go or get…

  • Want to Move Beyond Your Fear? Then Move!

    moment it feels to me like there is tonne of fear circulating through the Universe.  This could simply be my radar, but I’m seeing it and hearing it from a lot of different places.  Mostly I’m hearing it from brilliant, beautiful and talented people which just does not seem right.  Some are my much admired  life…

  • People With Eating Disorders Come in All Shapes and Sizes

    People send me the most amazing things.  And this postcard is certainly one of them.  Experiencing an eating disorder, or indeed any mental illness, can be a lonely and isolating experience.  I have often heard from people experiencing eating disorders that they have this feeling of isolation very acutely because people around them struggle to…

  • Overcoming Your Fears as an Entrepreneur

    There’ve been many times in my life where I’ve felt fear.  Like packing up my life and moving overseas alone when I was 19, getting divorced at 24, allowing myself to fall in love again at 25, going back to study at 27, and starting a blog at 28.  But here I am.  Not only…

  • Ten Tips To Live Your Most Blissed Life

    If you would have asked me years ago what my most blissed life entailed I would have said parties, alcohol, older boyfriend, sleeping out, and rollin’ with my crew.  Turns out, this wasn’t the most sustainable recipe for blissful living. Looking back, I wasn’t shining my ‘true colors.’  I said yes to things I actually…

  • Walk tall today!

    A lot can be said about how we hold ourselves throughout our lives, I know I personally admire others who hold themselves well and walk tall (not literally, this is not a post to discriminate against a persons height!). But our posture is something that we can control and when we are walking tall, I…

  • Share Your Dreams With…Everyone!

    I recently saw actress Eva Mendes interviewed for The Today Show. For most of the time she spoke about her new role as the spokesperson of a perfume, but like many interviews there were more personally based questions asked of her as well.  One of those questions was if she had a big goal or dream…

  • New Years Resolutions Diets

    I spoke a great deal in part’s one and two about how diets genuinely do little more than see our bank balance go down.  For those who want to lose weight though – where does this leave things?  If the ‘answer’ is not dieting – then what is?  At the end of part two in this…