Author: missericat

  • Who Would You Be If You Weren’t Your Job?

    Many of the women who come to me for private coaching have a similar initial frustration: their job IS their life. They want more balance, which really means more life. (They’ve always got the “more work” part really well covered).I help them to rediscover their authentic self – the one who wanted a successful career…

  • How To Keep From Chasing Stillness

    Have you ever just wanted to be still? Relax. Unwind. Be enough. Living on a hamster wheel has become the norm…We eat fast, think on our feet, move quickly through our day and demand that other people enact superhero powers to meet our needs and deadlines. Yet much of this pursuit is in service to the idea…

  • Feeling Stuck? Here’s How to Surrender to Love

    Do you ever feel like you’re stuck, like you’ve lost your way? Like there’s a plan and a purpose for your life but you’ve fallen off the track and have no idea how to get back onto it? I have. In fact, even as a health and transformational life coach, I’m not immune to those kinds of frustrations. I recently returned from…

  • How To Be Healthy This Summer, Without Cooking a Thing

    Digestive problems, aging skin, extreme exhaustion. If this sounds all too familiar, maybe you should stop cooking. Seriously.In Ayurveda, (Ayurveda is a traditional Hindu style of alternative medicine that focuses on maintaining balance to achieve good health), summer months are acknowledged by eating very little cooked foods. Just about everywhere but SF, summer is hot.…

  • 3 Ways to Find Your Heart’s Desire

    Do you know what you want? If not, you’re not alone.– Most women who come to me have no idea what it is they really want. They simply know that where they are now is out of alignment with their heart’s desire. Frequently, they’re at a turning point, realizing that time is slipping away from them and that they want…

  • What Are Living Foods?

    Quite simply, living foods are foods that are prepared in such a way, that they are still considered alive. Among other things, these foods gift our bodies with nutrients for good cell replenishment (which helps keep skin youthful and vibrant), and energy to power through the day. Living foods come from leafy green plants, sprouts,…

  • Summer Refresh(ments)

    When Mark Twain was quoted saying, “The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco,” he must not have had a summer solstice like this one! We officially ushered in the first day of summer last week with SF temps well over 90, and inland it got above triple-digits. With summer now…

  • Oatmeal & Yogurt Natural Face Mask

    This mask is great for hydrating all skin types. Yogurt makes a good base for sensitive skin and can help purify and smooth skin. Oats absorb and remove surface dirt and impurities, deep  cleanse your pores, and gently exfoliate to help treat many skin conditions from dry, itchy skin  to oily skin and blemishes. Honey…

  • The Fountain of Youth

    And speaking of colorful fruits and veggies, did you know that eating a wide array of fruits and veggies not only makes your meals more interesting, it helps your skin get the nutrients necessary to keep your skin glowing and youthful? Make sure to eat a variety of things that are in season to ensure…

  • Which Seasonal Vegetables & Fruits Have The Highest Pesticides In Food?

    You may be familiar with the “Dirty Dozen” and the “Clean Fifteen” which represent the vegetables and fruits known to have the highest and lowest levels of pesticides in food of all farmed foods. You may not know that the list of pesticide-laden foods was updated in April of this year to include a new…