Author: missericat

  • The Power of Pausing

    It’s such a small thing. The power of pausing. But it can make such a difference in your life.  In immeasurable ways.  For the better. What is this small thing? It’s pausing. You might be wondering what the big deal is about with me suggesting to get your pause on – but I so often share…

  • Pound for pound

    When I have an off day in recovery and all I can see when I look in the mirror is the weight and pound I’ve gained, I try to remind myself of this: Every extra pound on my frame no longer represents the burning need to go back to a skinny life but to move…

  • Valentines Day – 14 Ways to Love Yourself More

    Valentines Day is approaching, so make plans to spend it with your special someone. But what if you’re not committed ? Valentines Day can be celebrated by you alone. Keep your attention on you. In whatever basic self-care activities bring you joy, rest, or relaxation, show love for yourself and appreciation for the love that…

  • Crinkly Cleavage and Ugly Underarms?

    Well…we already know according to the advertising, media and consumer worlds that we have serious issues with our cleavage, thighs, bottoms, tummies, cellulite, wrinkles, sun spots etc.  All are in desperate need of serious overhaul because they aren’t smooth enough, thin enough, or just…enough.  All have to be poked, prodded, creamed and dieted into conforming to…

  • Your Real Beauty – Your True Work – Your Beautiful Life

    Your real beauty – Your true work – Your beautiful lifeThis is the new mantra of beautiful you. I was reflecting for a number of months last year about the core meaning of my work and what I wanted it to mean not just for me but for you.  When you are a multi-passionate person like…

  • Thrifting for Trends

    My  shopping ban showed me about my motivations for spending, the value of saving, and how to make $10 go a looooong way. But one truly unexpected ban lesson was this: Thrifting stores are a FANTASTIC place to shop for the current season’s hottest trends. Seems ass-backwards, no? Why would a place peddling secondhand junk be…

  • Health Care for the Obese

    A new study published today reports that overweight and obese patients get the same or better quality of health care than “normal” weight patients. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania say they looked at quality of care across eight performance measures among Medicare and VA patients, and found no difference in the kinds of treatments…

  • Turning Sabotage Into Your Best Friend

    We all sabotage ourselves from time to time.  There’s no denying it.  We do it whenever we think thoughts, feel emotions, or do physical things that limit or hinder us in ways that take us in the opposite direction to where we’d like to be heading in life. Whether its telling ourselves that we’re not…

  • Create Your Perfect Day

    One of the things we most often want is to create a perfect day more beautiful, soulful and incredible life for themselves. They also often want to attain big, juicy and delicious goals while they’re at it – which can are amazing but can also feel more than a little overwhelming.  As a coach it’s…

  • 10 Self Love Tips for This Valentine’s Day: A Simple Guide for Life Coaches

    It’s the month and season of love.  And while it’s usual for us to think about this valentines as only being for romance, red roses and strangely scary stuffed animals – it really should be about love in ALL it’s forms.  And so here are our most loved Self Love tips for life coaches. Love…